C-54 Ceramic and Mosaic Tile Contractors License

Let's Get Started!

Upon enrollment, your Manual and our SmartPhone/Tablet App (available for Apple or Android) will be shipped to you so you can begin preparing while you wait for your state exam date. Once you receive your package you can call and activate your App.

If you are already licensed and are adding a classification to an EXISTING license, simply click “Add Classification” to begin the process.

A ceramic and mosaic tile contractor prepares surfaces as necessary and installs glazed wall, ceramic, mosaic, quarry, paver, faience, glass mosaic and stone tiles; thin tile that resembles full brick, natural or simulated stone slabs for bathtubs, showers and horizontal surfaces inside of buildings, or any tile units set in the traditional or innovative tile methods, excluding hollow or structural partition tile.

License Instruction Schools can prepare you for this exam. We guarantee you will pass the test after attending the school.