C-33 Painting and Decorating Contractors License
A Painting and Decorating contractor can bid on projects that include the application of paint, wallpaper and things such as varnishes, shellacs, stains, etc. The State defines the C-33 Painting and Decorating license as follows:
A painting and decorating contractor prepares by scraping, sandblasting or other means and applies any of the following: paints, papers, textures, fabrics, pigments, oils, turpentines, japans, driers, thinners, varnishes, shellacs, stains, fillers, waxes, adhesives, water and any other vehicles, mediums and materials which adhere by evaporation and may be mixed, used and applied to the surfaces of structures and the appurtenances thereto for purposes of decorating, protecting, fireproofing and waterproofing.
License Instruction Schools can prepare you for this exam. We guarantee you will pass the test after attending the school.