C-28 Lock and Security Equipment Contractors License

Let's Get Started!

Upon enrollment, your Manual and our SmartPhone/Tablet App (available for Apple or Android) will be shipped to you so you can begin preparing while you wait for your state exam date. Once you receive your package you can call and activate your App.

If you are already licensed and are adding a classification to an EXISTING license, simply click “Add Classification” to begin the process.

A lock and security equipment contractor evaluates, sets-up, installs, maintains and repairs all doors and door assemblies, gates, locks and locking devices, panic and fire rated exit devices, manual and automatic operated gate and door closures and releases, jail and prison locking devices and permanently installed or built in safes and vaults. This classification includes but is not limited to master key systems, metal window guards, security doors, card activated and electronic access control systems for control equipment, motion and other types of detectors and computer systems for control and audit of control systems and other associated equipment. Fire alarm systems are specifically not included in this section.

License Instruction Schools can prepare you for this exam. We guarantee you will pass the test after attending the school.