C-12 Earthwork and Paving Contractors License

Let's Get Started!

Upon enrollment, your Manual and our SmartPhone/Tablet App (available for Apple or Android) will be shipped to you so you can begin preparing while you wait for your state exam date. Once you receive your package you can call and activate your App.

If you are already licensed and are adding a classification to an EXISTING license, simply click “Add Classification” to begin the process.

Most C-12 contractors are heavy equipment operators. It also includes the installation of pavement. The State defines the C-8 Concrete license as follows:

An earthwork and paving contractor digs, moves, and places material forming the surface of the earth, other than water, in such a manner that a cut, fill, excavation, grade, trench, backfill, or tunnel (if incidental thereto) can be executed, including the use of explosives for these purposes. This classification includes the mixing, fabricating and placing of paving and any other surfacing materials.

License Instruction Schools can prepare you for this exam. We guarantee you will pass the test after attending the school.