B General Building Contractors License

Let's Get Started!

Upon enrollment, your Manual and our SmartPhone/Tablet App (available for Apple or Android) will be shipped to you so you can begin preparing while you wait for your state exam date. Once you receive your package you can call and activate your App.

If you are already licensed and are adding a classification to an EXISTING license, simply click “Add Classification” to begin the process.

This classification covers a lot of trades and many different applications. Most B-licensed contractors build homes or commercial buildings or do additions or remodels. The trades range widely and include carpentry, plumbing, electrical, drywall, etc. The limitation is that any job that a B contractor bids on must involve two or more unrelated trades, unless the one trade is carpentry or the contractor has a specialty license in that trade. The State is working on implementing a new classification to cover smaller jobs.

(a) Except as provided in this section, a general building contractor is a contractor whose principal contracting business is in connection with any structure built, being built, or to be built, for the support, shelter, and enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or movable property of any kind, requiring in its construction the use of at least two unrelated building trades or crafts, or to do or superintend the whole or any part thereof.

This does not include anyone who merely furnishes materials or supplies under Section 7045 without fabricating them into, or consuming them in the performance of the work of the general building contractor.

(b) A general building contractor may take a prime contract or a subcontract for a framing or carpentry project. However, a general building contractor shall not take a prime contract for any project involving trades other than framing or carpentry unless the prime contract requires at least two unrelated building trades or crafts other than framing or carpentry, or unless the general building contractor holds the appropriate license classification or subcontracts with an appropriately licensed specialty contractor to perform the work. A general building contractor shall not take a subcontract involving trades other than framing or carpentry, unless the subcontract requires at least two unrelated trades or crafts other than framing or carpentry, or unless the general building contractor holds the appropriate license classification. The general building contractor may not count framing or carpentry in calculating the two unrelated trades necessary in order for the general building contractor to be able to take a prime contract or subcontract for a project involving other trades.

(c) No general building contractor shall contract for any project that includes the “C-16” Fire Protection classification as provided for in Section 7026.12 or the “C-57” Well Drilling classification as provided for in Section 13750.5 of the Water Code, unless the general building contractor holds the specialty license, or subcontracts with the appropriately licensed specialty contractor.

License Instruction Schools can prepare you for this exam. We guarantee you will pass the test after attending the school.